How can you best develop your self-awareness?

Keep a journal and write down what triggers positive feelings. Replace some screen time with time with people.

How can you best develop your self-awareness?

Keep a journal and write down what triggers positive feelings. Replace some screen time with time with people. Ask others how they see you. Starting a mindfulness practice is another way to increase self-awareness.

There are a variety of activities to include in a mindfulness practice. Find some ideas that inspire you to incorporate meditation, yoga, or some other variation to improve your presence. When mindfulness is practiced, behavior becomes more intentional and greater self-awareness develops. You can't reflect on yourself when you're running marathons with Netflix or creating the perfect Instagram post.

You should take some time to be quiet with yourself. One way to eliminate distractions is to go for a walk. Walking in nature has been shown to reduce anxiety and encourage reflection. Do you want to achieve real results NOW? Complete the form below to schedule your FREE 30-minute session with your Tony Robbins results coaching strategist.

Even if you're not where you want to be as a leader, the first step is to develop self-awareness and recognize the areas you need to work on. Developing self-awareness allows us to avoid being carried away by those signals and, instead, to respond to them in an objective and reflective way. In Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck, my co-authors and I developed a simple “business aptitude test” to understand which traits were most likely to bias readers in creating businesses and in life. Help children develop the vocabulary to talk about their emotions by turning paper plates into emojis created with self-determined labels.

Leaders who can control their minds and emotions help guide those around them to develop their own self-knowledge and success.